Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The tale of The Tale of Makani - Chapter one - Makani Caged

[11:13]  Makani Mattercaster took a long drink of water and then waved Tamia off using the back of her hand. She was amazed at the girl's skill but would not let on to that. Might be bad for business. Maka took a cloth from her sack and cleaned her face. She had heard the man ahead of her speak of a Chief returning. She had not heard that title in quite some time.

[11:14]  Tahlos Darkfold looked to Kanda then as she mentioned a man, wondering if it was the one he'd already heard a few things of. Some to which he did not enjoy hearing.... Having spotted a stranger more than once in the Laager he was sure he could point the man out now if placed in a line before him. His eye shifted to Makani as her and the slave interacted. He spoke then.... "Who might you be.....then." He said with a firm tone... his chin raising a hint slowly as the words escaped his lips...

[11:16]  Kanda Veeper took a step back and chuckles "She was the movement at the gates you yelled about earlier.." then goes silent to let the women explain..and a bit of an unusual explanation it was as well for why she was there. She probably should have taken a left in argentum and would have wound up in the ritght places ..one full of crying babies in need of a little baby cage "Syl.." she whispers out the side of her mouth, just to see if she might get a response..a blink..anything.

[11:18]  tamia Darkstone moved back in the quietest of motions once she was waved off. She took the tray with her and paused a moment to glance around. Conversation flowed through the air and curling her fingers into the edges of the tray, she raised herself back up to her sandaled feet. Through the shadows she moved out of the tent and made her way back to the kitchen. Though she wanted to stay and listen to the free's conversation, she had the tray and plate to take care of and no doubt a few more dishes in the kitchen as well.

[11:19]  Makani Mattercaster folded her piece of cloth and tucked in back in her sack. The sound of metal and wood rolling around came from the sack before she placed it behind her. She smoother over her dress and then raised her eyes to Tahlos after Kanda gave the introduction. There was a hint of worry in her eyes due to hearing she was in the wrong place but she kepted it from showing with her body language. "And who are you?"
[11:19]  Makani Mattercaster: smoother - smoothed

[11:25]  Tahlos Darkfold's head canted to the other side....ever so slowly. A brow rose...and he took a step inside the Lar Torvis.. he took in a breath of air as he could tell already... this woman... was trying to test... not just him. But those who seemed to have offered her shelter. "I am he...the man... who you will reply to. Considering you are guest... in these lands." His brow furrowed and eyelid narrowed. "I no thinking wowiyutane come here... for learn lessons in certain things...or?" He'd say as his hands fell to rest on his belt.....

[11:27]  Kanda Veeper didnt know Tahl well at all and had no idea who he reacted to much of anything. It was in her best interests she knew to keep as quiet as she could. Perhaps she had finally begun to learn from all the Men constantly on her ass about this that or the other. Quiet was best..even the mute slave that Mal had around had taught her something in the short time she dealt with the girl . Right now she was just glad it was not herself that might be feeling a bit of pressure from the opposite sex.

[11:30]  Makani Mattercaster offered the sweetest smile to the man as he seemed to be reprimanding her. After he was done, she stood and shook the wrinkles from her skirt, still looking him in the eye. "I did not intend to cause you to become defensive. A name of some sort was all that I asked." She smiled showing a little teeth now. "I have a father to put me in my place so please do not feel you need to trouble yourself. But I do appreciate the effort." She then looked to Kanda. "I need to take a little walk. Maybe I can spot my escorts."

[11:32]  Makani Mattercaster stopped and smiled at Tamia but said nothing.

[11:32]  Saleenya Hastings felt her back aching from the time she had rested at that spot rather uncomfortable, she crawled back onto her feet and stretched herself before she made her way back towards the spot where most had gathered, breathing slowly she tipped on Thalos shoulder and nearly whispered "It should be time for me to leave, you asked me to see you before I do so. You wish to give me what is mine?" she shifted her weight from feet to feet while she awaited his reply, not caring much if she was disturbing or not.

[11:32]  Mint Crumb moved in beside tahlos and lowered down, offering a soft greetings as she listened in to what was going on within the tent. She knew he would hear her but that it wouldnt be loud enough as to interupt all there. She narrows her eyes slightly as the tensions seemed thick, like breathing steamy water.

[11:34]  Tahlos Darkfold tilted his head to the side somewhat.... His brow raised then... He ignored those around him and walked off in the direction the woman did....

[11:34]  Kanda Veeper nods and speaks very quietly to their visitor since she didnt want to give Tahlos much reason to raise his levels ot Manliness "just watch for the sleens.." it was goodwarning too " Soo.." she smiles over to Tahlos then down at mint "Oh!! that same man asked me about mint this morning. I directed him to you..not sure what it was all about at all though.." she shrugged and just stares blankly at the woman that to her was simply a slave in the clothing of a free while she just came in asking questions and such "What was that? Your collar back or is that hidden under your unusually thick and high sweater neck?"

[11:37]  Lucias Lexenstar wanders into the laager, drinking from a bottle. He stops on the pathway and glances to his side "Tal."

[11:37]  Tahlos Darkfold's breathing was even. His steps silent, almost too silent for the speed with which he moved. He heard Leander aproach behind him and gave him a nod when looking left briefly. Then back to Makani. "I no know where you come from lady, but in this land. When someone spoken to....reply to what is spoken is expected." He paused and shifted his weight to the side. "No wise to walk off, after giving such.." he chuckled and pointed to the lar Torvis.. "Fine speech... about defenders of this land." He then added with a tilt of his head, showing slight suspicion begiinning to grow also.....

[11:38]  Lucias Lexenstar takes another swig from his bottle and moves his gaze from Akicita over to the woman stood being the grass.

[11:40]  Makani Mattercaster stood, shaken to see Tahlos was standing in her path. She looked up to where she left him and then back to where he stood with the man. She exhale and then nodded to the man before looking back to Tahlos. "Like I said. I did not mean to ruffle your feathers." She then stood in place to make sure they understood each other. She was a bit worried now. The men had been gone to long.

[11:43]  Tahlos Darkfold tilted his head.. "Noone asked your intention." He pointed to her. "But you still..." Pausing to repeat her words. "Ruffle feathers." He said and took another step closer. "This land is no for wandering freely... Maybe you are only foolish woman. Or too smart for own good." He grunted. "I ask you question, yet still you jumping around....bush." He struggled at times to use their terms but often felt they descirbed what he thought best. And was somewhat astonished the lady did not have any idea of what he spoke. Again, she must be a fool...or too smart for her own good. His hand then waved impatiently as if telling her to step closer. "Get to it, we no have all night."

[11:45]  Lucias Lexenstar takes another long swig of his drink, briefly glancing between the two for a moment... before turning his attention to the Feline passed the fire, he gives it a quick nod

[11:47]  Makani Mattercaster slowly looked up to where the women were and gaged the distance. She then looked back to the two men. She was in no position to stand up to his insults. " So what you are saying is that I may not come out of that hut or whatever you call it unless you say so? The women stay in that one place aaaall day?"

[11:52]  Tahlos Darkfold slowly brought his hand to his forehead...rubbing it....letting out a long sigh as he turned to look to Leander. The expression on his face was one of disbelief and he looked to see if Leander was on the same wavelength as him. In the matter at hand of course. Not... on a sobriety level. he could smell the liquor from where he stood... But slowly turned to Makani. "You are peculiar one. Like put words in mouth of other people." He realised the only way to get what he wanted was to repeat...what was said. And repeating, was something he truly disliked and preferred avoiding if possible. "When in Lar Torvis. I ask who you are. Normal person with manners... would reply. Consider they are guest, then...the one who asked answers." He couldnt believe he was wasting his time teaching a stranger a lesson in manners right now. His head then tilted to the side as it usually did and he fell silent after one last set of words... "Answer me, and remove my suspicion of your presence. but remember, trust is more
[11:52]  Tahlos Darkfold: difficult to gain, than mistrust."

[11:54]  Lucias Lexenstar lifts his bottle to the Panther "You have a fine pelt if I do say so myself." he takes another swig of paga and then looks between akicita and makani, half interested... before looking back to the panther in amusement.

[11:58]  Makani Mattercaster walked over to the hill to give herself more height. "The lady told you who I was or did I not hear her introduce me?" Make then released a cleansing breath and softened her tone. "I am Maka. There. My name is Maka. Now what Maka needs is to find her traveling party so that she can be escorted to the right place because this is obviously not it." It was hard for her not to give him attitude. She was trying to put words in his mouth and throw his questioning off. "Perhaps you saw three men out hunting?" She looked between the two men but moreso on the man with Lucias as he spoke to the beast.
[12:00]  Makani Mattercaster: ((sorry. screwed that last line up. looking at Lucias))

[12:03]  Tahlos Darkfold didnt move from his positioning. Hands firmly crossed over his chest as his eye rose following her. "Your name is not 'movement'...." he paused and looked to her still. "Nor is it 'gate'.... The lady never introduced you. And even if.... I asked you. Not her....." His eye narrowed as no reply to her men was given. Obvious she was speaking the words to throw him off... "See....Maka." He said now stepping perhaps a little too close for her liking. "Id you just speak this name, when asked of you. All this..:" His hand waved over the land and grass beneath them. "Wouldnt be necessary..." His tone though grew somewhat darker with the last word. Hands crossing over his arms once again as if expecting sometihng else of her.... He made sure his presence was felt.

[12:06]  Lucias Lexenstar looks at the panther "I would offer you a drink." he turns the bottle over "But it seems to have vanished. Another time little brother another time." He then moves his attention back to the conversation at his side. "Strange woman roaming in the Laager. Interesting."

[12:10]  Makani Mattercaster looked up to the sky and whispered something in frustration before looking back to Tahlos, chuckling. "I am not going to allow you to trap me into a conversation that leads to something bad happening to me. So you can save that for the slaves. You have my name now. I don't understand why you continue on with this nagging." Maka stopped briefly to address Lucias. "This beast knows that I am not strange. That is whay he is not up in arms like this one." She pointed to Tahlos. "I am going back now to find someone to help me find the men that brought me here. Is that ok with you, man with no name?"

[12:11]  Lucias Lexenstar looks at the woman for a moment and then to the Panther "Apparantly she thinks you think shes not strange..." he laughs and then looks back to the woman "Perhaps an error in refering to the Nomad there as a beast."

[12:20]  Tahlos Darkfold stood there still. Until a smirk found it's way across his lips. "And now the woman, want to act as if my actions are the strange ones. Hm?" He then said something he learned from an earth man. "Try to....flip the script. Ah?" He chuckled...And slowly looked back behind him towards Leander...Only to swiftly turn and face the woman. "A beast....she says." He would take a few steps closer again...this time as he began to circle her...much like a beast did to it's defenless prey. Eye full of a glow one who did not know battle or conflict would never relate to or recognise... He then would give her another lesson in life. "Where I am from... We do not speak our own name. For reason you need not know if not already. In this land..." He paused and circled her some more..eyeing her up and down as he did... "I called, Akicita..." He pronounced the word slowly...and with dimension and intent. Wiping at his nose he spoke once more "You are woman of walls...I smelling it. Sense in your tone...weak red caste like
[12:20]  Tahlos Darkfold: puppets from what I see." He looked to Leander once more..knowing he was one of the few that walked as a red and still knew what it meant. Then back to Makani... "Here you no longer in walls.." He pointed to the trees around them..." Here is nature that rule.... Nature in this case say... You make mistake in Lar Torvis...and think it can be brush off like slave do with scrubs to dirt in tavern floor..." He halted then...directly in front of her. Slowly he watched as silence filled the air...until he finally reached his point. "Slaves, were born as you. With free neck. This mean all woman have tendency in heart." he paused again to let his words marinate... "You are as them...Only left to think no because no man found reason enough for keep you as his own." His tone lowered then, and his words slowed down also...."You go nowhere..until we finish speaking. Or you forget this is no your land." he chuckled.."I wish to...nag a little more ah?" .....
[12:23]  Tahlos Darkfold: used to weak red caste like
[12:20] Tahlos Darkfold: puppets from what I see*

[12:31]  Makani Mattercaster stood in the same spot as he walked around her. She knew there was nothing she could do if he wanted to act up but she was going to keep her respect. Her eyes were upon the other man but her ears were tuned into what Tahlos was saying. After he finished, she faced him. "In all due respect, you do not know me nor where I came from so placing these ideas of what and who you think I am may be a mistake. I am a merchant, crafts put coins in my hands and you are holding me up from that because you wish to belittle me and why? What did I do to you, Akicita? Nothing. Or did I . . . did I hurt your feelings?" Maka held a hand to her chest and caused a somber look to wash over her face. "That was not my intent. Forgive me. You have shown me hospitality and I hurt your feelings. You were right and I was wrong. Truce?" She offered her arm like a man would. Somethng she had been trying to get out of doing but it was too late.

[12:33]  Makani Mattercaster leaned to look around Akicita to Lucias, "Is there a healer for you to speak with? If not, I know a good one." She was being sincere.
[12:33]  Makani Mattercaster: *looked

[12:35]  Lucias Lexenstar looks at her for a moment "No healer that I know of... but if you need one I suggest you speak to the one you know." he nods and then steps forward to head for the fire.

[12:36]  Makani Mattercaster opens her mouth to say something but decides against it. Her eyes focused on his bottle.

[12:38]  Tahlos Darkfold never settled for half's. Nor did he settle for less then that either. As he didn't know her, nor did she know him. Nor did he know what or who she expected to be dealing with when walking so carelessly through these lands. He snapped his finger then, after raising it swiftly to her eyeline to Leander. "I care nothing for who or where you from. I do know though, among people there is a thing called respect." he pointed his finger to her, and poked her chest rather annoyingly. "You lacking this... And think is no matter." he paused and looked to her. "You will enjoy being our guest for longer." And took matters a step further...considering he cared not to waste another moment of this evening with this woman. But would not allow her to speak to him this way... and wouldn't let it go either. So he did what he could, taking advantage of the fact that he, was a man in Gor. And she a lady.... and ladies do not speak to men in this manner in within these wagons. Especially those considered to be guests...
[12:38]  Tahlos Darkfold's actions were so swift if any blinked they'd missed it. He was suddenly behind her with a hand gripped to her hair. Reaching the scalp almost and pulling down with enough force to brush her off her feet.

[12:50]  Makani Mattercaster's mind had tricked her body into believing that she was choking. As she tried to wiggle free to get her feet back on the ground, she gasped for air and coughed. Soon, she inhaled and screamed as if is would bring help. Once they began moving, her eyes rolled over the landscape, searching for anyone that would help her. "You can't do this! I have rights!" Lucias was slowly fading out her her view and Tahlos carried upwards.

[12:52]  Tahlos Darkfold had struggled with her by the air. Other hand reaching to his belt he unlocked the cage door swiftly, put the key back and swung it open. Pulling her inside, releasing his grip and stepping out to *SLAM* the grating shut and hear it bolt locked with the force. Only to turn then...and look to her with a sarcastic sad face....

[12:55]  Makani Mattercaster continued to cough even after being tossed in the caged. She clamed herself and looked to him with malice. "You are a bully. There was NO reason for you to do this. It will come back to you. Just wait and see."

[12:56]  Tahlos Darkfold didn't care to search her either. if she escaped, he might be even happy. Because it meant he didn't have to deal with her lip anymore. "Sure sure... " He answered her. "But only if my action was out of order. This case...it was not." He turned swiftly on his heels and went to rest by a tree as the others trained their skills.


[13:43]  Tahlos Darkfold landed with a silent *thud* on the cage top just outside the enclosed space Makani was trapped in. Another low *thud* would be heard as he dropped again and dipped below the cloth. Rising slowly, and silently once beneath it.

[13:43]  Makani Mattercaster jumps and drops her tools. She hurries to put them away.

[13:44]  Tahlos Darkfold watches her as if trying to hide something. "What were you working on." HE spoke flatly

[13:44]  Makani Mattercaster straps her bag behind her. "Nothing. May I go now?"

[13:45]  Tahlos Darkfold tilted his head to the side. "Is not for me deciding." Would be heard in a broken tongue. His eye then narrowed on her.

[13:45]  Makani Mattercaster rushed to the bars. "What do you mean? You put me here!"

[13:47]  Tahlos Darkfold nodded true. "But you insult one of us. Is as if you insult any Alar within Laager." His head lowered somewhat to look to her hands then feet...and shifted to walk off without a word....


[13:47]  Lucias Lexenstar: Thankfully so...

[13:47]  Tahlos Darkfold let out a grunt and slipped off the side of the rock to the lower level silently. Hand trailing the stone as he dropped.

[13:48]  Jaym Wolfhunter let His breath ease from his lips as He slung his weapon acrossed his frame...

[13:48]  Lucias Lexenstar watches Akicita descend from the slope and lifts his hand to greet him.

[13:48]  Tahlos Darkfold gave Leander a nod then looked to Jaym. "Ho Chief." He indicated the cages direction with his chin... "I have something show you. If you have free time..."

[13:49]  Jaym Wolfhunter drew now sweat laden hair from His face, His voice broke calm, having turned to spy the Far Rider there..."Akicita" He said with a nod...then the words heard...He spoke..."I have eyes to see what there is to see...Lets have a look" He said to the Man...

[13:49]  Tahlos Darkfold nodded and turned to walk.....

[13:51]  Tahlos Darkfold came to a halt. "We have company." he looked to Leander. "He know already. Her tongue too quick for own good. Think she speak what wish in Laager and walk out no problem." he looked to Jaym then...most times....in fact almost all the time he could deal with his own problems...but it was obvious. This time he was looking to the Chief for help.....

[13:53]  Jaym Wolfhunter nodded to this...His voice was calm .."Well, then lets have words with the woman that knows not the nature of the Alar..." He said simply...His eyes merry and bright as a low tune was heard to fall from His lips whistling....the tune broke...words followed..."Lead on My Friend..." He said...

[13:53]  Tahlos Darkfold nodded and walked on

[13:54]  Tahlos Darkfold would then lean up casually against the wooden post as he made his way in. His eye caught Makani, yet no expression could be found upon his face really.

[13:55]  Lucias Lexenstar brushes the curtain aside and enters the cloth sealed chamber and stands facing outwards of the interior to look outside...

[13:56]  Jaym Wolfhunter had brushed aside the rough flap that did little to stop the dust and the debris from swirling in the corners...His eyes fell on the woman there in the cage...His eyes slid right...His head followed suite..."You have granted her clothing" He said to the Far Rider..."You are noble and generous...perhaps more so than I" He said calmly...again the head swung around, this time left...again eyes landed on flesh garbed in cloth..."Welcome to the Laager" He said to the woman simply...

[13:57]  Makani Mattercaster quickly steps back as the men approached. She nervously clung to her bag as her eyes darted from one to the other. "Thank you, Sir for your hospitality."

[13:58]  Tahlos Darkfold shurrged as he switched feet to lean against the post. "Her voice, make pain in head. I drop her there and go sleep." He paused to look her up and down. "Give her chance for escape also, no check her bag for tools or a thing...." His brow rose then as it seemed she learned some manners already...a sarcastic grin fell over his face
[13:58]  Tahlos Darkfold: shrugged*

[14:00]  Tahlos Darkfold slipped outside the rags and moved alongside them. He had to check on something and recount. ((rl))

[14:01]  Jaym Wolfhunter chuckled to this as the words were heard..."Do you find it a fine place...do you realize the nature now of the Alar...or is there a reason to be found that further lessons need be taught?" He inquired casually...His words trailed on, "in cities...women ramble without care...travelling women...women who think themselves immune from the grip of the world they are in" He said simply..."You do not find yourself in such a place..." He said calmly..."Too...those men who thought to hunt on Alar land without permission...Will no longer be in your service" He added...His voice betrayed no emotion...it was a simple thing really...

[14:04]  Makani Mattercaster at first, Maka pressed her lips together to keep from lashing out. It bothered her when people thought they knew her. As the man kept talking, her jaw dropped and she walked to the bars; grasping them as she searched the man's face for answers. "What do you mean that they are no longer in my service? Where are they?"

[14:08]  Jaym Wolfhunter allowed His voice to fall low..."You do not learn how to answer questions before asking your own...a pity for you...a boon for Me" He said simply...His body turned to seek Leander..."Outrider...Perhaps the smith can be sought...the irons fired...I see a trip to Tafa in the making" He said..."Some lessons it seems...are harder learned than others" He added...then did His eyes fall back to the Woman there..."Now....you have between now...and the time in which I have word on the nature of the lesson about to be taught...to rethink...the nature of your reply" He said to her simply...

[14:11]  Lucias Lexenstar glances from looking out of the space and nods to Jaym without words. He moves the curtain aside and steps out to go out and check "I will send word back."

[14:11]  Makani Mattercaster looked between the two men, truly not understanding. "I can't ask of what became of the men that brought me here? I don't understand this. If I am speaking in a way that is not pleasing to the people of Alar . . . " She then backed away again as if something she had been told came to her memory. In a pleading voice she spoke. "Please. I meant no disrpect. The men. Please tell me."
[14:12]  Makani Mattercaster: *disrespect

[14:18]  Jaym Wolfhunter 's temper flared...white hot and without hinderance..."YOU WERE QUESTIONED WOMAN!" He roared...the brutal nature of the Alar coming to the forefront...His eyes blazed demons...He then cooled like hot iron dipped in water...and an dead calm voice broke over His lips..."you will of course...learn to answer questions rendered in your direction..." He said to her...the calm more dangerous than the rage...the sealing of fate could almost be heard...a tangible thing...He turned hearing the voice of an Outrider...informed the fire was not lit...He nodded...it would be sometime before the irons were ready...to brand with a poor iron would be uncommon within the Laager...His eyes fell to the woman again..."My questions...will be answered...before yours...are raised" He said to her...

[14:22]  Makani Mattercaster's body reacted to the outburst without her control. Her hands raised to cup her mouth and she physically trembled. The way that the man calmed himself so quickly scared her all the more. With an opened mouth, she tried to speak but nothing came out for a few moments. She tried again. "I will answer whatever I am asked, Sir."

[14:25]  Jaym Wolfhunter: "By the nature of your action, you have deemed the question moot...for your actions answered better than words could" He said..."Akicita asked you questions...to which you failed to answer without force of will...the same method you applied to My question..it was this..." He said...""Do you find it a fine place...do you realize the nature now of the Alar...or is there a reason to be found that further lessons need be taught?" Now it seems clear...that no lesson is learned by your confinement...and so...being an Alar...I must elevate the nature of the instruction" He said...

[14:26]  Makani Mattercaster moved quickly back to the bars. "Sir. Please. I understand. This place is fine. Very fine! I understand the nature and please. No further lessons needed."

[14:31]  Jaym Wolfhunter 's eyes were calm..."What is done...cannot be undone...your actions speak louder than your words..." He said to her...letting her believe her fate was writ in stone..."the heads of those that rode in your protection have been added to the field of the fallen...hunting here, taking what is claimed by the Alar...is theft...theft is not tolerated" He said to her...a step was taken towards the bars...and another..."I am rumored to be called Jaym...I am said to be the Chieftain of the Alar Laager in which you are kept..." He said..."and I am the writer of the story of your tomorrow" He said to her...

[14:35]  Makani Mattercaster: With each word that he spoke, she learned that what she heard of these people were true. She had no reply. Her heart ached for the men that lost their lives due to her. None family but she called them friend. Surely, she would lose her life next and all due to taking a wrong route to find a village on the outskirts of Torcadino to craft a crib. She moved away from him because he had just taken so much from her.

[14:38]  Jaym Wolfhunter watched the wash of emotion on her face...it touched HIm not...the Alar were not courteous...nor were they concerned with the lives of others...He spoke before turning..."Nothing in this life...is without consequences...not even the stubborn nature...of a travelling Free Woman" He said to her..."I wish you well enough..." He said to her calmly....for at this moment was her freedom intact...and such things could not be ignored...

[14:40]  Makani Mattercaster backed into the corned and slid down to the floor of the cage. She was responsible. How could she face their families. She dropped her head in her hands without words.

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