Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blacksmiths Deeds - Farida's Buckler

[17:16]  Farida Lionheart was sitting quietly on the cushions, letting her mind wander as she had been the last few days. Again and again it trailed down one pathway and then another. Soft murmured sounds escaping her once in a while as she worked through her thoughts that weighed so heavily upon her unable to be shared with any thus far trully.

[17:19]  Akiel Martian watched Farida, all too intently, he had awoken from his intoxicatted stated as fresh as a daisy and as silent as a member of those blasted 'Shadow Hoppers' themselves, smacking his lips slightly and little else as he regarded her momentarily, "..ye' look like a woman, whom has the entire weight of Gor upon her wee tiny shoulders, lady Farida..", he said with that tone that said he was being more observational than he ment to be.

[17:21]  Farida Lionheart lifted her head as she heard him speak, realizing he had awoken. Fighting the urge to sigh as she straitened a bit, "I feel as if I do in some ways, at least in part." Raising a hand she pushed her hair from her face as she looked to him, "There is much I have needed to think about..and none to speak with about it."

[17:25]  Akiel Martian pushed off his cushion and waved for her to follow him, the guesture made only by hand and he would walk out of the tent, wordlessly, and fully expectant of her to follow. His form was trudging along that bridge, slow, steady, yet unwavering, the ore should have been melted and ready by now, having had all day to melt in the kiln, mayhaps he could have begun the task of her buckler or for the most part, pouring it out.

[17:26]  Farida Lionheart rose to her feet at hus gesture, trailing after him as she smiled a touch. This would grant her a way to avoid thinking to much of what plauged her so much as of late. Walking more streadily upon the snow covered ground thanks to finally wising up and changing boots better suited to the terrain.

[17:31]  Akiel Martian moved into the forge and frowned a bit, looking over everything, nothing had been touched at the very least, "..I think best when hard at work, lady Farida..", he said and removed that sickly looking mini shield of his, setting it atop the workshop as he began adorning upon each hand, a rather thick bosk hide glove. He could possibly stick his hand fully in the coals for a few minutes before it was burned away, and Alar bosk, were like the man, quite possibly the toughest around, "..what is said in my forge, lady..stays in my forge..within these walls, I make the rules..", he said simply. It was true, he had been granted by the Chieftan this spot to do with as he so wished, his own Laager, within the Laager, "..speak ye' mind if ye'd like."

[17:37]  Farida Lionheart followed him into the forge, finding herself listening to him as he spoke. "When I work I tend to be focused on other things..." Watching him as he prepared for what he was to do. Chewing the corner of her lip though at the last of his words. None here had given her reason to disbelieve anything they said was truth one way or another. A soft sigh escaping her after a moment, "My mind is a tangled mess, knowing of all the Kassar, perhaps four or five of us did not go to the cities. There are no other true kassar left within wagons." Inhaling slowly as she let her gaze trail over the weapons displayed, "With all that has happened, the Kassar will not last much longer. Which leaves me with limited choices. Either I find a home..a place somewhere, like here." A touch of hope there in her voice, "Or I die on my own in the end, for though I love my father, not even he can force me to take a home within the bounds of a city or town."

[17:43]  Akiel Martian moved over, and picked up the mould that would make up her buckler, it looked as if it had already been used, the mould made up of copper, setting that atop the workshop with a dull thud before he would reach over, grabbing what looked to be a large set of tongs. Then that seven foot form shifted, moving to the Kiln, and using the tongs to push aside the burned away coal to retrieve the core of the Kiln, a vat of Iron, that had the melted cosian steel held within, brimming red and molten, "..only a weak man would force his family into the cities..", he said with a shrug, leaning in a bit when the tongs gave purchace and he pulled from the Kiln the vat required, "..that or a desperate man to keep his family safe..", he said and turned to face her now. Then he moved towards the copper mould and began slowly feeding the melted cosian steel into it, sweat already cristening his brow as he worked, "..the Laager, is always looking for women of calibur to breed our children, and to tend our wagons..the question
[17:43]  Akiel Martian:  is..could ye' handle a man of the Laager?"

[17:49]  Farida Lionheart brought her gaze back to him as he took up the mould and began to speak once more. Watching him intently though she stayed well out of the way, knowing better than to get close enough to risk a distraction at the wrong time. A soft sigh escaped her as, "He would do what he can to keep me safe and well. As it stands last night, that was the first time I have not slept within his wagon though I am of age." A hand gesturing a touch, she was used to her fathers protective streak, but there were still times she wished she were allowed to do elsewise. After a moment a thoughtful look formed upon her face, "I would wonder in part if a man of the Laager could handle me." Looking down a moment as she pursed her lips trying to hold back a smile before she spoke once more, "Until I came here, I was learning the use of bow and sword, to fight to keep the wagons safe and myself untouched. I also had a tendancy to test the males of our wagons when I could...though none were man enough to seek to punish me for my ways,
[17:49]  Farida Lionheart:  or simply did not show before what I did was undone. Only one of those things yet remains...unfound by its target."

[17:54]  Akiel Martian waited for the hot liquid to finish pouring out, then moved over, letting the iron vat fall into the bucket of water. It sizzled to life and steam rose up, his head turning momentarily from the steam before the tongs reached into the bucket of water and retrieved the iron vat, warm still but no longer enough to damage the flesh of a human. He then set it aside atop the workshop and chuckled at her words, "..ye' certainly sound like a woman of our Laager already..we have some strong ones, seen a few beat men with their whips or keep men on their toes with daggers, impressive to say the least..", he said simply. He then slipped the gloves off and tossed them too aside and grabbed the shovel, guesturing it to her, "..strong men, need strong women..its the way of Gor, what would I do with a week female? Worry about breaking her in twine? Like some fragile twig!?Bah!!", he laughed aloud at that and moved just next to the Kiln, collecting snow with the shovel and bringing it in to set it all atop the mould in
[17:54]  Akiel Martian: a clump, "..I want my children strong, as does any man of the Laager..", he stated simply.

[18:01]  Farida Lionheart canted her head a touch as she watched and listened to the water sizzling. "I behave myself right now, as this is not my place. I would not want to find myself caged again or worse. " Perking a brow as she gestured towards her with the shovel as he spoke, "I may be small but I do not fear being broken. I knew it likely I would loose and still I tried to face Ax the day he took me captive. I faught him and Jaym earlier in the day and lost then as well." Her gaze flicking towards the trees a moment, then returned her gaze to him once more, "I want the same, my children strong and able. Not weak and seeking to hide behind walls like cowards. I am at times yet surprised so many of the Kassar did such a thing, to survive the days it takes for them to be scarred, and handle the pain you would think the plains, or the valley where what is left of us has been would not be to harsh a life."

[18:04]  GlorenBronzebeard Munster looks into the blacksmith's workshop and would look around as he didnt have a door to knock on "Heilsa Alar... do yeh have time to tend to ah blade?" he asks as a greeting holding his hand into the door way but keeping out less he is busy

[18:07]  Akiel Martian patted it down, steam shooting up from the metal, and was turning already out next Kiln, and scopping up more snow, walking back in and setting more atop it, he watched the snow gauging how fast it melted away, he did not desire to be doing this all day. He frowned and that nasty temper of his began to show, "..to hel with ye' blast it!", he said picking up the bucket and simply pouring it into the mould, that got it really sizzling and what's more, would cool the molten liquid quicker and cleaner than snow, "..ha, that'll teach ye'!", he shouted at the mould as if it was some mortal enemy, emerald hued gaze shifting for a moment to Gloren and he would nod, "..it shall give this a moment to cool all the same..", he said simply and looked to Farida, momentarily, "..might ye' do me a favor lady? Fillthis bucket with water..?", he said setting the shovel back into the coal, then moved to her, holding out to her the bucket and then looked to Gloren, "..ye' blade Gloren..produce it n' I'll get it done.."

[18:11]  Farida Lionheart perked a brow as she watched him grumping at the metal and mould. A laugh barely held to where he likely would not hear it, though at least she was grinning none the less. Canting her head a touch to look over at Gloren a moment, then her attention came back to Crimson. A nod given as she stepped up and took the bucket from him, "Aye I will do that for you..." A wry grin given, "If you will but tell me where to find enough water to fill it that does not take me past the gate. I have somehow restrained my curiosity and avoided poking my nose into every last nook and cranny of the Laager." Holding the bucket before her as she waited on his answer.

[18:12]  GlorenBronzebeard Munster grins watching the blacksmith, it wasnt long ago Gloren was the blacksmith of ol Ivar's landfall, but that trade has far left him, and he trusted any man Jaym put in charge of the metal working in his camp.... entering he pulls his longsword from its sheath, stained with blood from naught but three days ago with some minor attempt to clean it with a dry cloak, he held the longsword out to the man "ITs name is Brothvar... treat it vell as I know yeh vill" he says then says "I 'ave recent coin from trade.. tell me tha price when yeh finish"

[18:16]  Akiel Martian chuckled and shook his head, "..move past the bosks and to the kitchen wagon, there ye' shall find a large barrel of water fresh from the river, I lugged it up here this morning me'self ye' can not miss it..", he said simply. Then he looked to Gloren and moved forwards, "..Brothvar..", he repeated the name as he took the blade as if, one might say, holding a child, "..ye' my dear Brothvar, need a dire cleaning and sharpening..what does Gloren put ye' through..?", he tsked and smirked, giving a nod to Gloren as he moved over first to the grinding wheel, "..aye, when I'm done we speak of price he said simply. Left foot pressing down upon the pedal that would cause the grinding wheel to rotate slowly.

[18:18]  Farida Lionheart could not help but shake her head some when she saw the old blood left upon the blade. She'd been punished once for forgetting to care for her blades, and she'd not forgotten since. Nothing said though to that as she nodded, "Aye I shall return then with the water for you." Turning she stepped out and headed up the path towards the kitchen wagon.

[18:22]  GlorenBronzebeard Munster nods "Ah thank yeh Friend" he spoke and watches his work, he couldnt have done better himself.. even though it was a simple sharpening, there is a technique and art to everything, he would nod "Brothvar is iron, has spilt the blood of brave men"

[18:24]  Akiel Martian gave her a nod, and then Crimson leaned in, taking the pummel of the blade into his left hand and setting the four main fingers of his right hand into the flat of the blade as he pressed it against the grinding stone, small sparks every now and again springing to life from the metal. A sign, Crimson saw as the sword flarring back to life, sometimes that's all it took to make a blade as young as the heart of the warrior who wielded it. He winced slightly at the pain in his left shoulder, the bandage of his earlier fight with Jaym still hurt, "..iron ye' say? Rare I see blades made of good old iron, most ask me to make my wares in Cosian Steel, so I do, but I keep some iron ore about aswell, should the need arise!", he said as he slowly ran the blade along the edge of the grinding stone. Up and over the length of that one side, he was in no hurry now, and doing one task whilst a nother was preparring was simply a manner of efficiantly using his time in his eyes.

[18:27]  GlorenBronzebeard Munster nods "Iron is the ore of the north, it is cold and heavy... " he speaks not speaking of advantages or disavantages, just characteristics... he would nod then look back at the woman he has seen around the camp " Voman, I see yeh around tha Alar camp.. I ask vhat is yer name?" he says with a curious tilted head as he looks over her

[18:29]  Farida Lionheart walked past the bosk with care, deftly dodging past the curious noses of the calves to keep them out of the water bucket as she walked. A soft smile forming as she let her gaze roam over them a moment, to fade as she wondered how her favored three faired without her there to tend to them. A shake of her head taken to as she continued on towards the forge, doing what she could to avoid the water spilling out of the bucket as she walked. Making her way past the curtain of the forge to take the bucket to where it had initially come from setting it down with that same care to not see its contents spilled upon the ground. Fingers wriggled a touch as she felt the strain of carrying it in them, it had been some days since she'd needed perform such a task, at home happily had she fetched water for the bosk she cared for on her own. "A full bucket of water for you Crimson." Turning her attention to the other now as he spoke to her, "I am Farida, and may I ask the same of you?" Her head tilting a slight as she con
[18:29]  Farida Lionheart: sidered a moment, remembering him from a few days back.

[18:32]  Akiel Martian waited until the blades tip was reached and he would shift the blade over to its other side and slowly start again, his emerald hued gaze locked upon the blade as he moved it. Slowly carressing it over the length of the grinding stone. A nod given to Gloren at his discription, "..aye, the metal of the north trully.", he agreed, still he always made his collars of iron, it was the metal he was used to work with from his time back home in the north. Certainly he had no qualms with what ever his costumers desired, and as long as they produced the coin, he would produce the works, with the utmost of pleasure, "..my thanks lady, set it down next to the anvil if' ye' would.", he said, eyes never turning from that blade even as he reached the tip. Then shifted it over, pummel taken into his right hand, and as before, yet vice versa, the fingers of his left hand set into the flat of the blade. Helping the blade to be guided against the grinding stone.

[18:34]  GlorenBronzebeard Munster grins and nods to her he gestures to himself "Gloren Bronzebeard " he speaks, in a proud torvaldslandic way "Friend of the Alar people since they shared salt, blood and land in Torvaldsland" he nods at this telling how he met the Alar tribe then grins looking back to Akiel "It wise of Jaym to keep a man with northern blood in his smithy"

[18:38]  Farida Lionheart nodded to both even as she gave a soft laugh, "As it was where I saw you lift it from so there did I return it Crimson. I assumed you are like myself, and wish your things in a certain place, after your speaches of not touching anything especially." A impish smile taken to, almost tempting to one day move a few things about, but then again she'd like her fingers to remain unbroken and her hide in one piece. Then her attention shifted once more to Gloren to give him answer, "Well met then Gloren." Letting herself lapse into silence a moment as she turned her gaze to what Crimson was doing, canting her head a little and noting how carefully he moved and changed about positions of the blade as he worked it against the stone.

[18:43]  Akiel Martian set the hilt into the stone and moved up from there, length of the blade given his full attention. There would certainly be hell to pay if anyone attempted to steal his attention now whilst he worked, "..well..", he began, "..the Chieftan said we needed a Smith..I already knew a bit, and still attempt to learn small tricks here and there from other's who know more than I..that is my edge, my willingness to learn, and improve upon what I have learned..", he said with earnest. The distance of the blade made before he grinned, touching the tip as the blade was slowly removed. And all the time that left foot of his keeping a rythmic beat upon that pedal which made the grinding stone rotate, all the weight of his form set on his right foot and his balance steady even as he was slightly hunched over the stone. Working the blade along with such care in that final distance and smiled ever so wide when the sharpening was complete. He stood away from the grinding stone, form straightening, "..now Brothvar, show me what ye' can do?", he asked of the blade as if it was living whilst his thumb, calloused and used, ran over the blade and saught blood as puchace. The thumb stuck into his mouth with a nod, "..good!", he boomed aloud and took a rep cloth from his belt, moving to the bucket of water he would soak the rag and then run the rag over the blade, cleaning from it the blood and remnants of metal that were chipped and etched away due to the grinding stone, "..ye' look new, again, Brothvar!"

[18:48]  GlorenBronzebeard Munster watches Crimson finish and nod at this process, he was impressed with the exactness the man worked under, gloren was always intoxicated when he was working and his work was neigh so precise.. good work still, just opposing styles, he watches the man cut his thumb easily and nods with a smile " Sharp indeed" he speaks with a nod then looks to the woman still curious of her "Tell me, how do yeh know these Alar, are yeh among them now?" his head tilted a bit always interested in the buisness of others..

[18:52]  Farida Lionheart watched Crimson as he worked unable to help herself, curious about the workings of the forge as she had told him. Head canting a touch at his choice of his thumb to use to test the blade. Though it did make some sense to her once she thought abot it a moment. Her attention shifting away as he cleaned the blade and she was asked a question once again by Gloren, "Truth? They attacked my home, and I came to nose about curious of them. I was briefly captured by Ax when he decided he wished to have a way to cause others to come. Twas a short fight between him and I to say the least, since then I have been released..though I find myself happily remaining here through one thing and another." She saw no reason to hide what most all here knew, or at least could easily find out in one way or another.

[18:54]  Akiel Martian gave a nod as he look over the blade and his emerald hued gaze seemed to shimmer with the gaze that would behold the blade, some might find it strange, that he spoke to weapons, and Crimson could not care less for the stares and glares and snickers he recieved for such, each weapon had a life of it's own, a soul, in some sence. Foolish? Some thought so, Crimson however believed it strongly, that a blade when named, was stronger and could last so much longer than one without. A twist of the blade would bring it up, offered back to Gloren, pummel first with a smile, the rep cloth held about the blade as to not cut himself whilst the weapon was offered up, he still had other works to finish, and could not risk to much damage to his hands, at least not yet. He then looked to Farida, nodding briefly, "..at the very least, ye' are here on better terms.."

[18:59]  GlorenBronzebeard Munster listens to her and laughs and nods "And do yeh think yeh can be free among alars outlander?" gloren said not really planning to collar her but just a test of her character, he would then look to his sword when Crimson offers it to him and takes it with a big grin looking it over and shaking his head "Oi Brothvar" he speaks as if talking to a much older man for the sword was passed down to him by his older brother who had taken it off the corpse of their father, on excuse that Gloren's brother prefered the axe... he looks back to the woman "En vhere is... yer home Farida?"

[19:05]  Farida Lionheart: me nodded to Crimson, "Aye, with the chiefs permission do I remain here." Her brow going up as she looked back to Gloren, "Aye I do think I can be free among the Alar. They have honor enough I need not worry over such a thing so long as I do not cross a line I should not whie I am here within the Laager." Her eyes gleamed a moment, she had reason to trust in them and how they were. And fear of being collared here was less than it would have been anywhere else yet still she behaved knowing some things you just did not do. "My home..." A pang of sadness heard as she spoke that simple word, "Is a touch south of here close enough to travel to with ease if I so desired."

[19:07]  Akiel Martian waited until the blade was taken from his hands, then straightened. Giving a nod before he moved over to work bench and grabbed the mould of copper. Without another word to Gloren or Farida, he would turn it over onto the stones with a loud slam that rang clear and echoed in his workshop. He raised the mould only to let it fall against the stones a few times, until he felt the vage form of metal that was taking shape as Farida's buckler came out, the copper mould set aside next to the armory and he frowned a bit as he moved back. Passing between them both as he moved into a barrel at the far side of his workshop, various lengths of strips of metal treated with spikes found within. He took from it, one strip, with three spikes upon it and moved back, yet again passing between them, were they in his way? He weaved through them as if to ignore them but once his mind was back on the tasks at hand, it was difficult to stop. The strip of metal set atop the coals of the bellows, and Crimsons left hand pressed down into the bellow, causing the contraption to blow air into the coals, coaxing them to burn to life suddenly.

[19:12]  GlorenBronzebeard Munster swings the sword lightly one way then tosses it in the air and catches it with his left hand back to the right then again returning to the left in which he sheaths it, each time it is sharpened or used it gains a new weight and balance, he was he needed to test the weight in each hand equally, smiling he looks to Crimson with a grin "You sharpen iron vell Alar" he says loudly then looks to the woman "You dodge my question and give no name... reaching to a pouch on the belt under the thick fur and pulls out an odd shaped silver talisman in the look of Thor's hammer and moves to the table leaving it there and turns to the woman as he stands near the door "Yer Nose is peirced like a Kataii... Or southern tribe... Vhich one?"

[19:16]  Farida Lionheart watched Crimson once more as he moved about, yet watching Gloren as he tested his blade in the air. A low hiss escaping her when he spoke of her being Kataii, back straitening as her eyes flashed, "The Kataii are no more, the corwards left the plains last I have seen for the walls of a keep. I am not Kataii, not Tuchuk. I am one of the last Kassar to live as they should!" Her words ringing out with a mixture of emotions, pride, sadness, anger only to name a few. "My nose bears the ring to honor the Bosk that make our lives rich and full, done on the day I came of age as my father wished."

[19:17]  Akiel Martian continuously pressed down into the bellows. Letting the coals ignite and flare to life, then in turn heat the backside of the strip of metal, where there were no spikes, this would of course make it easier to fix the strip to the buckler, "..my thanks Gloren! Leave as many coin as ye' see fit for my work!", he was not letting it go for free, but nor was he asking for his normal fee, not if this man was truly a friend of the Chieftan. He had yet to turn around, emerald hued eyes watching the metal grow hot, this was tricky, too hot and he would have to wait yet again for the metal to cool slightly before setting it, not hot enough and the job would be half assed, so to speak. And he would not have that.

[19:21]  GlorenBronzebeard Munster nods "Aii I respect tha vays of tha vagons... and tha alar's above all the wagons... " he says a nod "But the others hold mah respect " he adds to make sure it is known he still supports the wagon tribes way of life and culture to other southern peoples "Now I leave the blacksmith to his craft..." with a nod and a wave he leaves pulling his wolf hood up over his head feeling the cold of winter night... even this far in the south, the mountains bring frost.. Gloren doesnt mention the talisman and lleft it for the smith to find, it is worth more then a coin if pawned to a niave southerner... or .. if one so beleives powers of north gods, it may , or may not give some sort of favor to Thor... if Thor sees it fit... but who knows what these gods do or how they decide such things... "Odin vatch yeh two... " he says with a wave as he sees jaym and heads his way

[19:32]  Farida Lionheart inhaled trembling, again tears wished to spill from her but she faught them. Faught them with every ounce of her being, she would not cry here not before those who she had to prove her strength to if she was to keep herself from walls, from ending up the very last as she feared would happen. Her voice strained but controlled now once more, "The Alar...hold a great deal of my respect as well." Avoiding that it was more than even most of her own had from her these days. "Be safe Gloren." She meant him no ire or ill, but she was a line pulled to taunt in her struggle to find way to continue to survive without garnering her fathers dissaproval at the same time.

[19:32]  Akiel Martian felt his left shoulder, and the gash left from the Chieftan flarring up. He switched hands, using his right for a moment and rolled his shoulder, his left back a bit, but not as freely as he normaly would have. He'd learned his leason, never again would he challange the Chieftan. His hands shifted again, from right to left upon the bellows, right hand lifting up to wipe the sheen of sweat from his brow. He turned briefly from the bellows, "..and may Odin watch ye' Gloren!", he called, briefly spotting the talisman and he smirked, shaking his head a bit, certainly the object was worth more to those who believed in the Norse gods than in coin. He would nod, accepting payment silently and put on his gloves, taking the shield and setting it turned rightside up upon the anvil, then getting the tongs and a hammer, "..well, this has been..and eventful day to say the least!", he said moving then over to the bellows, taking the strip of metal that was glowing on that one side. He looked to her as he set the strip over the buckler, "..so, ye' might be small, but ye' do not fear being broken lady?" he querried as if ther conversation had never been ceased for his other workings.

[19:36]  Farida Lionheart inhaled slowly once more as she struggled to regain fully that tenious control she held over herself as she turned to watch him as she had been before. Taking up the conversation once again as he spoke of what they had talked of before, or been talking of. "No, there is little fear within me of anything. Being broken is not one of the things I hold claim to fear of in truth." Letting her gaze take in his movements, she was getting a general idea of things though she knew she'd not be able to do things like this herself. But knowledge to her was more important in some ways than being able to do them. "I've been kicked by bosk a few times, and tossed by my favored during my games of 'dodge the bosk'. If I can stand that..." She trailed off with a small shrug though she knew he would not be looking likely by that point.

[19:41]  Akiel Martian set the strip at the buckler's center and frowned slightly, pressing the tongs and his hand, protected once more by the thick bosk hide glove, to hold the strip in place, while his right moved, bringing the hammer down and began to beat down, into the strip of metal between the spikes as to not damage their point. Ax might have enjoyed that, Crimson turned the spikes that were to adorn Farida's buckler into nubs, merely for the fun of getting a rise from the woman, but he would not, as long as he recieved some sort of compensation. He would nod, "..been kicked by kaiila..bosk..larl..Kurii..", he said as he hammered away. Any temperment he had shown signs of before long gone, he was much calmer when immersed in his works. The strips soon bending over the frame of the buckler, before he picked it up via the tongs and moved to the bellows, setting it atop the coals for what he hoped would be the last time, "..well, lady..I certainly admire strength, and I respect a woman who shall breed strong children, one can only hope ye' mate, knows how to keep ye' slightly tame.."

[19:47]  Farida Lionheart canted her head as she lowered her gaze to watch him as he worked once more. At the mention of Kurii she remembered the one she'd briefly met, and been glad of its apparent derangement at the time to say the least. "I've not crossed the paths of any of those who wish to kick me other than Bosk on occasion." Watching as he moved to the coals once more, a brief flicker of a frown given at the mention of mate, before she spoke, "There would be need of a mate for that to happen. As it stands I temper myself, there were none left among the Kassar, and though I briefly toyed with the idea of enticing someone to join the wagons..I decided against it. A man will be of the wagons and strong enough to lay a proper claim to me or I will have nothing of it like it or no." A firm nod given, though she knew well that was against the Kassar ways, the claim made was not argued, but argue she would if it was one who she did not approve of to say the least.

[19:50]  Akiel Martian pressed down into the bellows a few times, then relieved the buckler from the hot coals, via aid of the tongs and set the buckler slightly upside down against the anvil, yet never pressing those three spikes into the anvil to nub or damage them. Then he began to hammer, harder this time, more brutal force used as the flaps that were left pertruding from either end of the buckler were slowly knocked over savagely, made to fold inwards and against the inside of the buckler. Stopping a few inches from the finishing of the flaps as he moved to the armory, taking two circular straps of bosk leathered hide and set one of each under the flaps, and then moved back to the anvil. Only then did he finish hammering down those two flaps. He then walked out next to the Kiln, tossing the buckler into the snow and watching the white powers sizzle and melt away around it. He walked back in a moment, tossing gloves, hammer, tongs all atop the armory, "..aye, ye' are a free woman, it is ye' right to chose a mate..", he said simply, "..not much point to a mate, ye' cannot stand is there..we of the Alar, mate for life..until the death of one or the other takes them upon the dark road..", he said simply, wiping all the sweat he could from his brow, "..ye' bucklers cooling.."

[19:56]  Farida Lionheart watched still as he worked upon the buckler he had offered to replace hers with. As he moved to toss it into the snow she turned a moment, walking over to take up one of the clean cloths he had for whiping the blades. Turning and making her way to him to offer it up, "No, but among the Kassar we have no choice. Once a man has his first scar he can grab up the one he wants, declair her his and take her to his wagon." A Gesture made as she avoided speaking of what took place then, "After that she is his, I will avoid that if for some reason I go back to the Kassar. I am fleet enough most have trouble catching me, and my balance allows me perches some males will not hazard." Looking away a moment, her thoughts taking a dark path for a moment, "For life always should it be, holding true to the one you claim or are claimed by." A wrinkle of her nose given at her thoughts then she turned her gaze back to him, "Aye I noticed, now I but need find a way to render some form of payment. It is replacement true, but I do not feel right elsewise."

[20:00]  Akiel Martian took in a deep breath and watched her a moment, she was a beautiful female, that much was certain, she had some strength to her, some fire. Opinionated to the boundries of recieving a collar, or so the city men would say, the Alar women, always seemed to push men just a touch further, but they still knew when they had pushed too far. There were limits to all, he took that moment to stop and listen taking a break of sorts, "..I'd walk into the middle of a Kur encampment for a woman like ye'..to bad there are not more..", he said, rather dissdainfully. Then turned about, walking outside to the buckler and back in, shaking the snow free of it, "..payment..I'm certain we can figure something out at some point..", he said, holding the buckler out to her, "..for now, simply put it to good use."

[20:05]  Farida Lionheart could not help but blink and fulush some at his words, her dark skin turning a shade darker than it normally was. Caught for certain offguard by his words it took her a moment to give answer, "I am in some ways the last of my kind. There are no females left who have Kassar blood in them and are in the wagons." At a loss as to what else to say to that honestly, her heart belonged to no man as of yet but her mind was usually far lately from the fact one day she'd need accept a claim upon her. Hands came up though as she came out of her thoughts, a small nod given. The bracer taken into her hold, "If you are willing I can not only read and write but I can tend to figures as well." Giving him a smile before looking down at the bracer he had made, "And you have my thanks, I will put it to the best use possible if there is need of it."

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