Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kanda's 'claiming' part one.

[15:39:18]  Kanda Veeper really hadnt thought about what exactly she would look for in a mate..she just knew that none of the Men in the Laager seemed to fit it exactly "Well i would have to be able to trust them like no other. They would have to be so very strong. Man of Men...if you will. Um..of course looks are important..handsome..not mangled by too many battles. I would really prefer pure alar blood too..which is not something easily come across around here. " she pures her lips ..even the Chieftains Son was only half alar by blood..she knew she was one of the few and considering that it did make a slight difference "Ug. I dont think this man exists Tamia..really dont. He would have to be smart too.." it just got harder with everything she wanted "..and an outstanding protector.."

[15:43:52]  tamia Darkstone began to write down what the Mistress was saying, once in a while glancing up to give the Mistress a surprised look. She supposed it would be different for a Mistress when it came to men, their wants and wishes but tamia wouldn't ever say anything. She tilted her head though and stopped writing, taking a moment to give the Mistress a long searching glance. "I think Mistress that you need to just be capped, taken, abducted and wooed with force." Tamia nodded and very softly she murmured under her breath a small prayer to Odin. Perhaps a new man would come visit soon, a dark stranger that would show up in camp out of the blue.

[15:48:02]  Kanda Veeper 's jaw falls hard and if a fly had gone by at that moment it would have been sucked into Kanda's gaping mouth " How..how .." she snaps it shut again with a click of her teeth "I certainly dont need that!! I juat have a sick feeling some days it might just be the way of it the way we are protected around here." her hands fall over her belly. It wasnt even necessarily love she cared about..just someone good ..safe and with the best possible blood she could get her heat on. It was how she was raised to think on it and she would continue to do so "I think mostly i just need to bide my time and the right one will come along . Things are supposed to always work out in the end right?" she chews her lower lip and can only hope that to be true "would really hope the abduction thing doesnt happen..really hope.."

[15:52:03]  tamia Darkstone chuckled, and tried to remember what the saying was again. "you know Mistress i think you protest too much and your words and wants should be silenced by the brute force of a man's wants." Tamia was certain of that and she was usually never wrong. "A possessive man would always keep his possessions safe and cared for" she put away the charcoal and placed the written parchment safely in her satchel, taking the moment to think about what she said next, "things always work out, Mistress, and in truth, abductions can be fun, think of it like an instant invitation, but rather than be invited with words or with a missive, you get invited with ropes and force. The best part is, you don't have to pay for your voyage there" Always think of the bright side of things.

[15:56:19]  Kanda Veeper really didnt even know what to say after hearing those words come from a slaves lips in her direction, for any reason "Mind who you are talking to.." she glares to the right then snaps her eyes right back out to the mountains. Only brute force of a mans wants she had really known had come from a thrall and that was something she would share with no one. Snake had found out but he, she hoped, would take it to ash. "I guess i do protest though. I just need to give up.." again her mind was at the giving up and it seemed Men women and slaves were all in agreement. It must be so "I think..i should go think about a few things.. for a bit.." she zones out in thought towards the mountains ((rl afk a bit))

[15:58:34]  tamia Darkstone blushed softly as she was chastised and she lowered her eyes to whisper out, "yes, Mistress" Tamia did sometimes forget who she was talking to but that was part of her charm - whether you liked it or not depended on what she said and when. She too glanced up at the sky and bit her lower lip, "aye Mistress i'll be back going to check on a chore or two" odin was calling her she could feel it.

[16:07:57]  Jonas Celt approaches the laager with a grin on his face...he then curls his fist into a ball and starts pounding his fist against it..

[16:09:51]  tamia Darkstone had moved to the gate for she truly felt Odin had given her a sign and a whisper in her head was heard. Go to the gate it said and so she did. She waited, for awhile, glancing at the pretty landscape when ho! a man appeared. He was handsome and strong - just as Mistress Kanda wanted and now tamia understood the message. "TAL Jarl!" she shouted down at him, and then added, "are you with companion or slave?" It was important and if the words he had were the right ones it would open the gate like magic.

[16:15:12]  Jonas Celt looks from his left to his right then back to the gate and raised a brow.." i am with myself for i am satoshie..son of santino and whisper..i was out and about on my travels when i noticed the laager here.."now anybody knows when you see a laager that means trouble..for alar are nearby..but me i am alar..through and through.."he points to the scarts just below his eyes and then looks up up at tamia and nods his head

[16:16:38]  tamia Darkstone hands curled around the wooden frame of the gate and her eyes went wide. An inhale of excitement whispered past her lips, it couldn't be, he was alar as well - just as the Mistress wanted. She squealed and rushed to open the gate, glancing out at the man with a grin, "great news jarl..please enter and be welcomed"

[16:19:50]  Jonas Celt smirks and steps in into the laager..ahhh yes the alar.."he then looks at tamia.." show me these lands and when that is done get me a mead

[16:20:37]  tamia Darkstone smiled, "aye Jarl follow me" and with that she turned towards the camp, once in awhile murmuring what they saw in explanation. "wagons, bosks, kitchen area"

[16:23:33]  tamia Darkstone Their final destination was the tent like structure, though tamia forgot what it was called. All she knew is that it served as some kind of tavern or so, "if it pleases you Jarl, have a seat amongst the cushions and i will serve you your mead" There was a warm pitcher on the centre table already. She gave the Jarl a grin, her own hand touching the horn she kept at her belt, "do you have your own horn, Jarl or would you prefer i not touch it?"

[16:28:24]  Jonas Celt looks around taking in his surroundings his eyes narrow a bit as they enter the tent..no you can get me a horn and get me some mead.."he sits down upon the cushions."as hes sitting down he cracks his neck and his fingers then nods to tamia.." i must admit this is nicer then i would of thought alar would have "he shrugs nonchalantly" either way its good to see some alar in my travels

[16:33:48]  tamia Darkstone smiled and took her horn from her belt and reached for the pitcher of mead. She filled the horn with the honey mead and placed the pitcher back on the table. Still smiling she approached the stranger. She should have maybe been nervous, but somehow she felt safe, especially when this man fit all the criteria kanda wanted in a mate. It was a sign. Kneeling by his side, she raised the horn up to him in offering, whispering softly, "your mead, Jarl" She tried to stay quiet while she served him but she had a multitude of questions floating through her head.

[16:37:11]  Jonas Celt takes the horn of mead with a small smile.."thank you bond" now what is that your jarl calls you.. you seem to have a lot on your mind what ill's you.."he then looks her over one time slowly with his eyes.." she may be an alar slut but hes still weary of her..."come on girl speak your mind what is it?"

[16:39:43]  tamia Darkstone bit down on her lower lip before she began to ramble, "my Master calls me tamia and well i was hoping you came to these lands in search of female companionship." She raised her eyes to look the Jarl in the face, her cheeks a bit pink as she stammered, "not me, of course, but of a feisty Mistress" She nodded and continued, "It was like the gods had sent you to the camp just for her"

[16:42:47]  Jonas Celt raises a brow as he looks at her.."he let it all compute in his head for a minute.." he then laughs as he speaks to her" a fiesty wench you say tamia? and no no odin didnt send me here i came across it on my travels.."perhaps you can go and find this mistress for me i shall like to meet her"

[16:45:08]  tamia Darkstone sighed softly and curled her hands into the folds of her kirtle skirt. Nuh uhs Odin sent him, she didn't care what he said. "yes, Jarl, feisty and well..." Tamia glanced around but couldn't see the Mistress. "i'm not sure where she went, she was here before, maybe she's playing a game, and you really really have to find her." She softly laughed and then went quiet when the Chief entered. "tal, Master" she smiled to him and hoped she wouldn't get in trouble. She pointed to Jonas and said, "i found Mistress Kanda a mate!"

[16:49:18]  Jaym Wolfhunter paused to this...His voice calm..."Time is the teller of such things collar meat" He said to the beast amused then did His eyes fall to the fellow that sat at upon the cushion...His voice calm as He spoke..."Ho ...Stranger..." He said calmly...amusement found His lips and words spoke..."You know Kanda then eh?" He asked.."Or does this beast play bosk match maker for her own amusement" He inquired.

[16:51:35]  Jonas Celt hears tamia speak of another man in the area and lifts his head up a bit as he nods to jaym.."tal alar i think your bond here is dillusional she speaks of a woman named kanda who is fiesty and swears the gods have sent me for her" i think she is trying to play bosk match maker...and i have no idea who kanda is nor do i even know what she looks like.."he quickly finishes the mead as he holds the cup to tamia and just simply says more" your parents gave you a name at the time of your birth what it they call you " he looks at jaym as he speaks

[16:54:19]  tamia Darkstone Time might be the teller of things but time was not on the Mistress' side. Though she felt a bit silly for having been so excited and she murmured a faint, "yes, Master" while she collected the horn back from the Jarl. She stayed quiet a moment and when there was a pause in the conversation she glanced up at the Chief. "Master? do you wish anything, besides ensuring Mistress Kanda stays single?"

[16:55:13]  Jaym Wolfhunter turned then...to face the fellow...His voice was amused..."Im sure that whatever it was...it was given to an Alar...a fellow who lives amongst these wagons...too, were I a man who wagers, which I am...Id lay coin on the fact that the name was given to the Man...who is now rumored to be Chieftain of the Alar.....the same Alar, who have allowed you to sit in peace...and have not removed your head from your shoulders..." He said amused..."It is rumored that the Alar are noble and generous folk after all...How about you...You too I suppose were given a name at the time of your birth...surely this is so?" He inquired calmly...

[16:58:25]  Jaym Wolfhunter then looked at the beast there...His eyes were merry and bright..."sul paga...warmed...in a bowl.." He said with a shooing gesture made

[16:59:47]  tamia Darkstone eyes crossed a moment for she wasn't sure how to serve that. She didn't let it be known and just grinned as she pushed herself up, "yes, Master of course!" She rushed outside towards the kitchen, going through her memories trying to remember how to serve that.

[17:00:22]  tamia Darkstone smiled at the girl while she passed her, "tal" she said and waved at her but continued on her way to the kitchen.

[17:05:27]  Jaym Wolfhunter nodded to this as He replied...a grin was evident on His face..."Well, Satoshie...I am rumored to be called Jaym, said by some to be the Chieftain of the Laager...too..said by some to be a poet magnificient..." He said calmly..."Be welcomed amongst the Alar...for often do we recieve travellers...it is in their news carried that we learn of Gors happenings' He said...then did He see the bit of lust meat chained and He beckoned her over...."Come" He said with a wave of His hand...

[17:05:49]  tamia Darkstone had found the bottle of sul paga and had warmed it in a pot over the fire. Once it was warm enough she poured it into the wooden bowl, the clean wooden bowl that had been inspected and found worthy to serve the Chief. The liquid was clear but very strong in smell and tamia, not used to it, held the bowl away from her body as if it were cursed. That was how she returned, and quietly she made her way over to the Chief's side. She knelt down and raised the bowl above her head, murmuring softly to not interrupt, "your sul paga, Master"

[17:08:55]  Teagan Serenity face scrunched up as she listened on , she had had enough of waiting for flower to wake up and had decided to venture in further and see what all this 'Alar' fuss was about, and saying nothing but giving a sharp nod of her head she slide inside , dragging the ball with her of course and skirted around the outer edge

[17:19:24]  Nisaa Breen slips into the tent looking about, spotting the woman with the ball and chain, a smile blossoming on her lips for she knew what that felt like, the pull of the muscles in an effort to move the ball to take the smallest of strides, the worry that one leg would be grossly distorted with muscular strength that she would forever be deformed in her stride and strance, then her gaze falls to tamia, beautiful and strong, complety sweet to the outside world but knowing that girl has a wickedly delicious sense of self and desires that one would be wise not to turn their back, thankful she was able to call the girl friend. Spotting a head of someone else peaking over the dge of a cushion she moves in closer so that she knew the best way to greet, finally seeing it is a man she calls out "Greetings Master" before dropping to the furs to make herself comfortable

[17:22:33]  Nisaa Breen looks to tamia again once settled, her smile widening even more now that she has returned with her Master from their journeys "welcome home tamia" she chirps up before nodding a welcome to the unkown prisoner standing, wondering how long she was going to hold out before she too had a collar on her neck, waving her finger almost accusingly at the ball and chain she chirps "you know it is soo much easier if you simply kneel and beg for the collar, it would save you a lot of healing time to recover from pulling that around" finishing her sage advice with 2 quick nods

[17:24:36]  tamia Darkstone stayed quiet, just watching since she had returned from the kitchen. Her gaze shifted from the Jarl to the naked woman and then to Nisaa. She smiled at nisaa and waved at her, a small movement of her fingers and hand, glad to see that she no longer sported the ball and chain at her ankle. She did, however, whisper to Nisaa, while pointing to the Jarl. "that's Mistress Kanda's new mate" or so tamia hoped it would be so. She smiled and nodded, glad to be home again even with all the changes that had occurred, "thank you flour" Tamia turned to glance at the stranger, not the Jarl for she had sort of met him, but the girl with the ball and chain. Her eyes were curious waiting to see what she would answer to Nisaa's comments.

[17:26:27]  Teagan Serenity brow lifted as she shot Nisaa a look "i wont be thtaying" she lisped , and then with frustration that had been buried way to deep she hook her leg, so that the chain would swing given the small ammount of room afforded to it before it attached to the ball and as she pushed her lips up under her nose she sneered a little bit " me ith waiting for flower to wake up , that'th all " and she nodded her head towards the horizon " then we thall be going home" she slurred quiet deluded that this would eventually be the case

[17:26:38]  Jonas Celt slips back into reality and raises a brow..tal all

[17:31:28]  Nisaa Breen gazed at the man and then back at tamia "that is Mistress Kanda's companion?" she was getting excited, it was about time the Mistress found a man to tame her wild ways and put her in her place, as a companion of course "Well Greetings Master, welcome to the Laager, you have made a wise choice in the Mistress, I am sure she will birth you many a fine and strong sons in the future" she was practically giddy at the idea of a man standing strong in front of the Mistress, to glower at her when she would speak up when she should not and all that. "You have your hands full, yes yes, have you been offered something to quench your thirst Master? I am sure Mistress Kanda would be sorely disappointed if we did not keep her companion satisfied in her absence". Stopping to take a deep breath for flour was known to ramble on in her thoughts once excited she looked at the woman in ball and chain, the strange way she spoke she could only assume that she was being held for robbing the mead and consuming it before she cou
[17:31:28]  Nisaa Breen: ld make her way out "well, you get any notion of leaving this place out of your mind, I had the same thoughts, kept saying once my tribe showed up I would be gone and that were many many moons ago and you see no more ball and chain on my ankle now do you? So you just settle down on your knees where you know you should be and offer this fine Master somethign to eat" she was being authoritative, it was quite nice not being the new slut in the laager anymore

[17:36:01]  Teagan Serenity just stared at her and then teagans mouth dropped open her lips peeling back to show all of her teeth and she roared with a slightly disturbed laughter, and as she had started she stopped again and her face fell expressionless as she thought, and you could see she was thinking as her eyes flickered back and forth " No, that'th not why im here" she retorted" and ath you theem to be the one who want'th to therve" and she did emphasise the word 'want' " then you thould hath the honour " she said quiet matter of factly

[17:37:35]  Jonas Celt grins as he decides to play along with thm..you see i know not of this kanda you speak of..nor does she seem to be here..perhaps you bonds are mess with me?.."he then looks to teagen..you run and get me a sal'paga and make haste with it..or i swear by odin you wont like what happens NOW MOVE ALONG

[17:40:20]  tamia Darkstone nibbled on her lower lip and flashed everyone a sheepish smile before her gaze finally rested on Nisaa. "well...the Mistress doesn't know yet, but she will soon find out on her honeymoon!!" It was the best way to do it and this Jarl was perfect for it. She looked at the girl with the chain again and furrowed her brow as she tried to make out what she was saying, it took a moment but after a few words tamia started to understand. She grinned when the Jarl told the girl to serve, perfect, just what Kanda needed.

[17:40:41]  Teagan Serenity stared at the man who had spoken to her and she shook her head " no, i want to go home" she said it again " i dont want be here, and ... and .. and" she flustered now " i dont know how" teagans hands shot to her face and covered her eyes, poor Teagan she hadnt expected any of this and it confused her " and they do" she said as she pointed at the bonds

[17:43:42]  Jonas Celt stands up as he looks at teagen and growls a bit..then i shall pay the chieftgain of this laager for the damages.."now for the last time get me some sul paga before i take your head

[17:45:59]  Nisaa Breen snorts with laughter at the girl's attempts at not having to serve, soon the snorts turned to clucks as if a mother to a child "The best way to learn is trial and error, just like the rest of us, now go fetch what he is looking for in the food wagon"* she raises her arm and points where it is "return with it in a horn and be quick, if you displease Mistress Kanda's companion, well then it will be your hide drying on their wagon and not mine, HARTA" she finishes with a bellow trying to mimic the rough and gruff sound the Chieftain always made when his patience was wearing thing. Breathing in deeply, the smile slipping back to her lips she looked at Jonas "So, yes, I think tamia is correct, Companion by proxy it shall be, this way the Mistress cannot complain and say no, for she has sent too many a men away mentioning this ones hands were too small, no no, his left ear bigger than the right, or the best yet was that his nose whistled when he talked, she said it sounded like a hive stuck up his nose... "her
[17:45:59]  Nisaa Breen:  voice trailing off, hands slapping to her lips, her green eyed stare blossoming into the size of saucers, well practically at the way her tongue seemed to wag and tell all the Misttress' particular complaints

[17:47:15]  Akadiah Daines: inched over to the pavellion and looked inside. She let her eyes move from eachperson to the next untill they fell on teagan. She didnt really want to bring attention to herself for the moment so she quietly crawled a little forward and stretching her body she pushed the ball attached to teagans foot,m causing it to jingle softly and tug on her ankle. In a very soft voice she said. "Teagan..." and smiled.

[17:49:46]  Teagan Serenity blinked back the tears that filled her eyes and as he spoke she visably shrunk, backing up against the fabric her fingers gripping it into the palm of her hand and wringing it , her eyes flew from one to the other in desperation, she had no idea what sul paga was , and so she voiced that " but , i dont know what thul paga ith, or where it ith kept , and a horn?" she questioned " like a horn from a bothk?" teagans heart was racing and she really had no idea, she had never been this close to other people before, not like these anyway , just her and flower that was all " i dont know....." her voice trailed a little and then she said it " im not a thlave!"

[17:50:44]  tamia Darkstone smiled over to akadiah as she approached and she waved at her. The dimming sunshine shined down on the girl's head and it was then that tamia was hit hard with an idea. The girl was blonde. Mistress Kanda was blonde. Totally oblivious to a fight about serving, tamia sent nisaa a look and inclined her head to akadiah whispering, "Mistress Kanda" She then looked over to the angry Jarl and realized he needed to be a bit more at ease for this to work. Raising her hands as if they had the power to fix any situation she called out, "Jarl..please..it would be my honor to serve you the sul paga" She nibbled her lower lip and looked at the girl with the chain and whispered to her, "i can show you how to serve it" and that would be when tamia would slip something into the drink. She stood up and smiled a bit too much but waited for permission to help the girl serve.

[17:55:01]  Jonas Celt laughs a bit as he looks at nisaa then to tamia..i personally think you two are on kanda yourself...im sure the red savages would fit in fine with you two.."he then rols his eyes as he hears teagan speak..shes usless to be honest..she wines to much to be an alar slut.."now then describe this kanda wench to me she seems a bit intresting to say the least"..AND FOR THE LOVE OF ODIN WILL SOMEBODY please get me a sul-paga.."his voice then goes calm again" cause that would be great

[18:00:13]  Nisaa Breen smiles spotting the blonde hair of akadiah, she caught the twinkling of tamia and then looked back "yes yes, Tamia, great idea take them both along and show them how to serve" she motioned for tamia to take both girls, getting akadiah out of site for if this was to work, she was going to have to weave of spell of delight to make the man believe that the slave was in fact the regal Mistress Kanda. Turning her focus back on Jonas "well, Mistress Kanda you say? Well she has a smile to compare to the sun, her hair is pun of gold, she has a mouth as sweet as honey and as bitter as vinegar when her ire is up, she just needs a man strong of spirit and she will blossom into a right proper companion for you, I am sure of it, Master"

[18:00:31]  Akadiah Daines: was sad that teagan didnt see her chain jiggling and she was determined to try again. In her attempts to reach for teagans foot she caught a wave and a strange look from tamia. She at this point didnt know what was happening but she was more concerns with her lispy friend. She this time poked her in the foot and smiled at her. She was about to offer to help the over stressed teagan when tamia did. That was ok... she would just come along for the ride.

[18:04:23]  Teagan Serenity didnt really think she wanted to learn any of this stuff , what use was it going to be to her once her and flower had escaped, it all seemed a bit pointless and she was angry and upset and flustered and bothered and teagan could barely see or talk for the haze that covered her and as she tunred she saw Akadiah and was more than slightly relieved , in fact so much so she began to gush " AKA!!" she almost shouted " am i pleathed to thee you " and she offered her a smile , that crumpled her face" i think i need help" she whispered as she started towards her

[18:07:45]  tamia Darkstone nibbled her lower lip, and nodded to nisaa, quickly she moved towards the twin girls with chains and balls. "no time for a reunion so come along the both of you...to the kitchens" Tamia wasn't thin, she wasn't that big either but the blonde was smaller than her and well tamia's body blocked out the view the Jarl could possibly have of her. She reached for both girl's hands, trying to rush them along, they could hug and talk about how amazing it was to see each other along the way.

[18:07:58]  Jonas Celt looks to nisaa and nods his head...well don't get me wrong im sure shes a great person " one who would be a great companion.." but alas i must see this kanda woman im a simple man i really am..but "he stretches his arms out and looks at nisaa..she is nowhere around..ive been tricked by many a sluts in my day so im sure you can understand if i dont just jump into it

[18:09:03]  Akadiah Daines: wondered why tamia was so eager to push her off but she didnt really complain she giggled a little and grabbed teagan's hand as the headed back... she glanced again over her shoulder confused.

[18:12]  Nisaa Breen smiles "well Master, I have said as much she is small, blond hair, huge set of lungs, and will be happy, I am sure, to know that her mate has finally arrived to claim her. " dropping her tone as if talking to a long time friend and comparing notes she adds "The chief was getting a bit worried about her of course, scaring all suitable Masters away, why many a men have come to claim her and the Chief would put her in the wagon and wait and she would refuse to come out, but you, well the chief has decided that with you she will not be given a choice, he will gag her if he must in order to get the Mistress companioned and start bearing children to the laager"

[18:22]  Jonas Celt grins a bit as he looks at nisaa.."he stays silent for a moment..the chief said that when i was in my mediation phase?..."he scratches his head a moment i really must stop doing that.."well then if the chief will allow it then yes i will find this kanda woman and claim her as my own..."he still has yet to tell anybody what he is but if they look closely at him they can tell.."i believe i heard tamia call you flour correct?..well flour the name is satoshie son of santino and whisper.." the pleasure is mine to of met some fellow.."err to have met some alar in my journeys

[18:26]  Nisaa Breen smiles though she does not repeat his name out loud for fear that she would fumble it "satoshie son of santion" would surely come out sounding like "sadoshi is on a sardine" or some such thing "well, this will be a joyous day in all the laager, now I assure you master, the Mistress can be quite... persistent in her denials of such things, she may even declare come the new day that she has never met you before, that you must be daft, and she may even call you out to the Chief, but you will have to stand strong and firm, soon I am sure she would simply warm to your charms once more"


[18:13:42]  tamia Darkstone smiled at them both as they reached the kitchen. She spoke first to teagan, "there is a warm pot of the sul paga on the fire, just pour that into a bowl and i will add the necessary spices to it" she then turned to akadiah and gave her a forlorn look. "Mistress Kanda needs your help. She was supposed to be here for her companionship but she got ill, this man won't return and the Mistress so wanted to be his" She reached for the nearby basket of laundry and pulled out a dress, tossing it towards akadiah, it was a poofy dress and it had a veil with it. "please? wear it for the Mistress? and stand in her place? you will be richly rewarded" She gave them both her most amazing smile ever, and her eyes glowed with such a softness she was sure they would both understand. She pointed behind her and said to teagan, "kitchen with stove and bowl up there" then pointed to akadiah, "dress quickly before the night grows too dark!!" Sometimes tamia sounded a bit too bossy but the plan had to work, Mistress Kanda had to
[18:13:42]  tamia Darkstone:  be forced to marry one way or another.

[18:17:05]  Akadiah Daines: she caught the dress and padded down all the fluff in order to see tamia. She narrowed her eyes.. she had never worn a dress before and wasnt sure that she should..."but... " she started. Aka KNEW that pretending to be free was serious... she sighed a little. She was trying to justify it in her head. She was doing it to HELP a free... according to tamia. She would just explain that if they were caught... "So he is to marry me? but really Mistress Kanda? but... shes just not here? But he will be married to HER... not ME? Right?" She just wanted to be sure as she started to step into the dress... "are there shoes?"

[18:18:36]  Teagan Serenity bottom lip pushed up and over her top and she frowned , she wasnt supposed to be here and she really didnt want to do this at all , but she headed up towards the kitchen anyways and grabbed a bowl of the shelf, she didnt bother to ask if it was the right kind or not and just shrugged her shoulders, it did look a little bit big , but figured he could have twice the drink, it would save anybody having to come back again for another , which he would no doubt want . Teagan shifted towards the fire, the warmth was actually quiet welcome and as she stuck her head over the pot she almost reeled backwards from the smell " are you thure thith ith for drinking?" she threw a glance back over her shoulder" and not for greasing up the wagon wheels" teagan grabbed the ladel and poured two or three scopp fulls intot he bowl

[18:22:16]  Akadiah Daines: as she finished dressing ... there was no doubt she looked and felt awkward She attached the veil and suddenly her sotmahc was feeling strange. It was probably her gut telling her not to do this... but she really wanted to help Mistress Kanda. She was new here and wanted to do wat she could. She let a hand drift up to her collar.... "Oh no... what about the collar? " her voice a little shaky.

[18:22:59]  tamia Darkstone sent a worried smile to akadiah but her words were firm and soothing, "oh yes, he will marry Kanda and you are helping a free" She nodded, they were all helping Kanda because she so needed it. Tamia when in the heat of trying to help someone well she got carried away. "hmm no worry about shoes, unless there are slippers around here...but i think the length will keep your bare feet hidden." She called over her shoulder to teagan, "aye tis for drinking, tis what the Jarl wants, just bring the bowl here so i can add the spices and you will be ready to serve it to him. See easy" She glanced over to akadiah and went pale, face blank a moment before she reached down and ripped a piece of her kirtle skirt off. "here, wrap this around your neck, it will hide the collar"

[18:25:29]  Akadiah Daines: she wrapped the length around her neck as she watched the other two. She looked around to make sure there was still no one about. She then... as she waied began to fuss with all the clothing. Aka then wondered how women moved in all this fluff.

[18:26:36]  Teagan Serenity couldnt understand why anybody would want to drink it, it really smell horrid but she bought it back to tamia , holding it quiet akwardly at arms length " if you thay thoo "

[18:30:57]  tamia Darkstone gave akadiah a grin, "perfect you will pass for Kanda well enough" of course tamia knew with the help of the tassa powder she was going to put in his drink, he will be more inclined to believe this farce. She now looked at teagan and smiled to her, reaching into her pouch for her little bag of tassa. Tamia had used it more than once in the past and knew that a full dose would knock someone unconscious, half the dose would leave them malleable and in a state where they were gullible to the truth. With a small spoon she spooned in the powder and stirred it into the bowl, once it was dissolved she placed the bag and spoon away, hands clasping together with a grin. "done! Now you serve the paga to the Jarl" she pointed to teagan, "and we shall introduce you" she pointed to akadiah, "as his new companion to be" With a sharp inhale she stepped forth, moving over the lands to return back to the tent.

[18:33:14]  Teagan Serenity lips twisted off to the side she had never served anybody before and wasnt sure what she was supposed to do but she figured she would wing it and nodded as she kept her arms outstretched,locked at the elbows " okay, i gith thith to the man "


[18:35:29]  tamia Darkstone They all returned, teagan with the Jarls drink and with the Mistress looking beautiful in her new dress. To teagan, tamia whispered, "kneel before the Jarl and offer him his drink" and to the Mistress aka akadiah, tamia waved her forward into the light. "i found the Mistress, she is here, Jarl, is she not beautiful?" She gave nisaa a wide eyed look and inhaled, for she felt heated as if she were going to pass out. Odin help them all.

[18:35:41]  Akadiah Daines: followed them back quietly and biting on her lip. Aka was still nervous about it all and she knew that dressing as a free was bad, but drugging one was even worse. She had to keep telling herself that she was indeed helping the mistress according to tamia and she tried to be tough. Once they had arrived she stood back at the doorway... reluctant to go in, and not sure what she should do. In her mind she was playing over her mind how the lady would act in such a situation.

[18:37:26]  Teagan Serenity had managed to make her way back , with her arms outstretched keeping the skinky brew as far away from contaminating her nostrils as possible , it had actually made her gag a little bit , but it was what he wanted apparently and she would be happy just to hand it over > Teagan peered in the top of the over sized bowl , well she hadnt spilt that much on route and she kinda nudged the bowl at him " here" she said and cast a quick look back at tamia" your thul paga" she lisped" it thtink'th" she added as an afterthought

[18:38:07]  Akadiah Daines: with a slight stumble she made her way over to him. She gathered all the bravery in her and spoke... "Tal Sir" the words uncomfortable on her tongue. She should be calling him Master.... Her stomach was in butterflies as she continued... "Welcome to the Laager.."

[18:40:05]  Jonas Celt smirks as he hears her words..yes well im not a man of many words..nor am i a friendly man when provoked..ive many enemies and just as many allies who will help me out.."i must say one thing though flour" if the free women look as lovely as the bonds here then it shall not be a problem..he then looks to tamia and the others as they have returned..oh look my sul paga is here"he then stands up and grabs akadiah's hand and kisses it softly..he then dropped her hand as he looks at her and shakes his head then sits back down for a moment.."this heat must be playing tricks with my mind he said.." he smiles up at her and grins.." the pleasure is mine.."he then notions with his hed for nisaa to come closer to him as if he had to tell her something

[18:40:25]  tamia Darkstone took a step back and stayed in the shadows, a smile and encouraging nod given to teagan. She was doing great for her first serve. She moved a bit closer to akadiah and gently layed her hand on her arm, a soft touch to give her strength for she was doing great as well. Quiet is what tamia was, for once, too happy to watch the claiming of Kanda acted out within the tent.

[18:42:18]  Nisaa Breen watches the gaggle of bonds approach once more, spotting akadiah covered as free, her heart racing in the hopes that the Mistress did not rise from her wagon before they were able to continue. Blushing furiously at his comment about the beauty of the bonds sent her smile perhaps a bit wider than normal "Thank you Master, though the Mistress Kanda outshines us all" she proclaimed rising to move closer as he beckons

[18:45:14]  Akadiah Daines: she blushed almost a deep red when he kissed her hand. What she really wanted to do was run around in circles stripping off all the fluff and confessing everythinng but for the sake of Mistress Kanda she continued with a shaky attempt to keep her composure. "Very well met Sir." She moved to the chair to take a seat as she saw the free women do often enough and as she did she remembered the chain on her foot she quickly pushed her skirts over it as she setted into the seat... all covered up and stuff. She looked at the other two bonds over the veil nervously.

[18:47:27]  Jonas Celt leans forward as he whispers into her ear..im not sure how you do it around here flour.."but most alar women i know dont use veils..perhaps enlighten me nas to why kanda has on a veil?..i mean it could be just me i have fallen off the tharl a few times in my drunken stupor.."he thn looks back up at akadiah..yes well met as well to you the name is satoshie son of santino and whisper the pleasure is mine

[18:51:00]  Nisaa Breen shivers under the caress of the man's breath on her flesh as he whispers into her ear, her hands moving along her thighs in almost an intimate caress of need with the scent of him wafting over her and in that moment she realized the Chieftain was right, her transformation to slave was complete, gone was the huntress "Well, Master, the Mistress..." she looked sideways to Akadiah and then back to Jonas "Well the Mistress has a bit of a black and blue on her chin for she was too close to the rear end of a bosk when she was impatient on gathering some milk and took a blow to the face, no worries, she is not disfigured or nothing, really fading, why I swear it will be gone before the next rising sun, but well, she is a bit self conscious and does nto wish for you to see her beauty marred before you can see her completely is all, please forgive her?" she whispered back

[18:58:38]  Jonas Celt nods as he carresses her cheek softly" well then fair enough but im not sure why a free woman was gathering milk is all.."he then snags the sul paga from tamia and downs it like a shot of whiskey"he then once again puts the horn ont he crate next to him and grins at akadiah" he shakes his head a bit..that has a bit of a kick to it he then smiles at everybody in the room once more..shes not as fiesty as you all said she would be..perhaps you was just playing her up some to get my attention on her eh?

[18:58:46]  Akadiah Daines: she smiled and just nod nod nodded as Nissa explained. She seemed very good at making stuff up. Akadiah had been nervous for a second thinking she might have to take it off and he would see her fully. She then strightened herself in her seat and pretended to eye the man accusingly... "Satoshie? Well I do beleive you are the only Satoshie I have ever met. " She pretended to be sizing him up and waved her hands at him a little dismissively.

[19:01:14]  tamia Darkstone held a breath as she watched the Jarl drink down the tassa laced paga. But she still stayed quiet as she knelt nearby, watching the way the Jarl interacted with fake Kanda. He was perfect and the Mistress would be overjoyed when she met her new mate - yes tamia was certain of that, well maybe after the initial shock went away. She sighed in relief while nisaa spoke and really it was better that not many were speaking, otherwise it might make the jarl suspicious.

[19:04:50]  Nisaa Breen shivers under his caress of her cheek "well, I will tell you Master, she leans in close as he pulls away to drink the laced paga, hoping her voice was low enough as to disguise that the fake Kanda could not hear "Mistress Kanda, she is stubborn and prideful, she needs such a man as yourself, strong and dominant to remind her she is a woman and there are plenty of slaves about to do the chores and above all to learn patience, why I swear you may have to possibly kiss the Mistress when she opens up to speak in order to quiet her long enough to get a word in edgewise, or better yet, a gag, the Chief was always threatening to gag her" she adds yet another lie on top of another, she so was goign to swear that tamia threatened her to make her say all these things in order to avoid future punishment if it came down to it, but like tamia, she also felt that this man would be a perfect companion to Mistress Kanda, she (kanda) just did not know it yet

[19:07:45]  Jonas Celt his eyes snapped back to akadiah well then thats a good thing i think.."he feels his head to spin a bit as he shake it a few times.." so now what was it you was saying about the lady kanda here?..his words start to come out slower as he repeats her words kiss her,gag,chief threatened her,he then looks at akadiah standing up quickly and stars to shout at the top of his lungs (( give me a second to post this next line plz ladies :D))

[19:08:13]  Akadiah Daines: She was trying to seem a bit uncaring towards the man, as if he was just like any other visitor that made their way through the laager. She sat up straight, smoothing her skirts with a prissy cent of her head. She drifted her gaze out towards the land for a moment before looking over to flour and the man as they whispered. For a minute she dropped her cool and leaned forward to try and hear. She shook her head and suddenly straightened back up and narrowed her eyes... "Girl I would have you tell me what you are whispering about, as it is rather rude" her tone was stern and feirce. She hoped flour knew she didnt mean it.
[19:08:46]  Akadiah Daines: cant*


[19:12:02]  Akadiah Daines: nearly choked as the man stood up and yelled out over the lands. She thought she had just been playing a part...to um get the mn to come back to claim the real Kanda. She felt panicky and she looked to the other two girls as if to say he was about to lose it. She didnt know if she should protest it .. or go along with it...Then she saw Jaym walk up and knew all was about to be revealed. The man had just claimed her and she was surely about to be whipped if not worse. Her stomach turned viciously.

[19:12:15]  Nisaa Breen rocked back on her knees at the lard bellowing of the Master in his declaration of claiming Mistress Kanda as his. This was a joyeous day to be had for sure, she completely ignored the Mistress' demands, she had learned it best that way. Eager to have the deed completed, without the Mistress having a chance to back out now, to run away "Well Master, you may wish to take your Mistress and uhm, well, show her what it means to be a full blown woman once and for all"
[19:12:18]  Akadiah Daines: she*
[19:14:05]  Nisaa Breen: (loud bellowing))

[19:14:33]  tamia Darkstone almost cried, overjoyed as the Jarl shouted out his claim for Kanda aka akadiah in disguise. It was beautiful, it was perfect and yes damn it they should go consummate it. "oh yes, nisaa" tamia readily agreed. "i'm sure there is a wagon they can use, if not they can use the furs here, i wouldn't mind watching" She hadn't heard anyone else approach, she was just so focused on the scene before her. Who knew that a simple idea could turn into the perfect match making of the century.

[19:14:48]  Akadiah Daines: choked again as nissa spoke and the miotioned toward the cheiftan. As he entered she just couldnt do it anymore and she pushed herself to a kneel and dropped her eyes. She was sure the drugged up mn would be completely confused now... but she could justify what the girls had asked her to do because she had thought sincerely that she was helping.... but not kneeling in front of the cheiftan... she would not dig her hole deeping.

[19:16:47]  Nisaa Breen thought Akadiah's motioning was her agreeing with her suggestion of consummating the claiming once and for all, after all Mistress Kanda would be pleased the first night was out of the way when she awoke, turning to look over her shoulder at Tamia, Jaym still out of her view "yes yes, why here would be good Master, we could give the good Mistress guidance on how to pleasure a man should she falter of course" she turned back to Jonas, her smile wide at the delightful idea

[19:17:38]  Jaym Wolfhunter had woken and sat upright from His wagon..."Wha" He had growled as He scratched at his face...that calloused paw rubbed over His mane and with a head that showed signs of fitful sleep...He lumbered out the wagon...His booted feet carried Him to the Lar Torvis...and He spied...what seemed to be three bits of lust made flesh...ringed around the fellow who still had not moved...He spied then the girl called pie...lounging, then slipped to her knees as he approached...and knew...that something was surely afoot...His voice was like thunder..."SLAVES!" He roared...

[19:19:24]  Jonas Celt smiles as he sees the chief appear..ahh chief good to see you the bonds here was telling me the lady kanda here needed a free man to claim her.." they said you gave your blessing while i was in my meditation phase" so i satoshie son of santino and whisper..he then mouths to himself as he sees akadiah hit her knees..what in thename of odin" is going on here..KANDA get off your knees your acting like a damn slave..get up and get up now "he then looks to the chieftain and miles again" ahh chief your just in time for me and kanda to slip away to a wagon..be it you allow us to use a wagon

[19:21:26]  Nisaa Breen yelps, jumping up swiftly and scampers back out of arms reach of the Chieftain "Greetings Master" her voice more of a shriek than one of a lust filled bond "we ... uhm... we were just serving the Master here" she nods

[19:22:42]  Akadiah Daines: was terribly confused... was infinately terrified... She was shivering. She supposed she had to listen to him.. He was a Master after all and she stood up, shaking.. barely able to keep her knees beneath her. She should have listened to her gut and not gone along with this. She bellow that the cheiftan had let out made her wince terribly.... "ohh " was all she could mutter.

[19:22:48]  tamia Darkstone heard the shout, the roar from the Chief and tamia went pale. She glanced around, first to Jonas, bless his drugged soul he was still malleable and maybe controllable. She looked at akadiah, kneeling, not good but she so understood the girl. She looked at nisaa and decided if anyone would be blamed it would be her. With a soft voice she called up to the Chief, "greetings, Master" and very silently she moved backwards, aiming for the shadows with a faint murmur of ~chores in the kitchen~. She would slip away so quietly, and find out what happened later.

[19:23:57]  Jaym Wolfhunter paused to this...His anger grew wings black...His ire dark and cold...bottomless and without light...the mood entered the fringes of His words, enveloping them..."Kanda...is not...here" He said calmly...His eyes fell like hammer to anvil on the slaves...each in their turn as the beast flour backed up and took her knees anew...He turned to Jonas...His voice calm..."you have been duped....by slaves..." He said..."And be glad of it...for had you thought to claim without speaking to Me first...an Alar Free Woman...I would have been forced to show you the down side of that cliff to My right...the fast way..." He said with a voice that betrayed no emotion whatsoever..."They will surely suffer for this...behavior...on this...you have My word...SLAVES...to My boot!" He roared anew...His finger pointing to the ground before Him...

[19:27:53]  Nisaa Breen blinks, her small frame begins to tremble at the tone in the Chief's voice, she had heard that tone before when he was about to boil her in oil. Her eyes grew dark, her brows furrowed as she turned her glare on tamia for convincing her this was in the best interest of kanda, now if only the chief had slept longer, blast that man had a sense of timing like no other. Moving as if drugged herself like Jonas was she rose and slowly drew closer to the chieftain hoping that tamia or aka would arrive sooner and therefore be closer

[19:28:29]  Akadiah Daines: she didnt hesitate... up down... knees... standing. She was sure her life was about to come to an end. She hoped beyond hope that he would allow an explaination... he would allow her to tell him that she was only trying to help like flour and tamia had said. She figured her knees would not be the only thing sore after this... should she till be breathing... She glanced to Jonas and winced feeling sorry that she had deceived him.. then to the chefitan. She crawled over close to him as ordered, her entire small frame still trembling.

[19:30:14]  Jonas Celt shakes his head again even more confused then he was before he stands up still half out of it he points towards akadiah" you mean shes not kanda?..and these slaves have drugged me?..all the confussion was running through his head "he brings his fingers to his orehead as he starts to rub it slowly..his head drops down a bit as he lets a loud growl escape his lips..."satoshie you know better then this you let your guard down is all that he said as he kept his head between his knees trying to get the drug out of his system quickly
[19:30:35]  Jonas Celt: forehead*

[19:31:09]  Tahlos Darkfold could hear shifting and the likes coming from within the Lar Torvis. His eye occasionally darting upward to catch the slight movements from behind the fabrics the swayed. One hand toying with a branch, kindling the flames some and turning a few logs. Only to set it down and step arouund it...finding his way to the entrance spotting those within..he stood there silentlyl as not to disturb what went on. Merely giving the free a silent nod should they look his way......

[19:32:26]  tamia Darkstone paused in her backwards crawl when the Chief bellowed the slaves to his boot. Surely he did not want all the slaves to follow? Thinking it might be better if she stayed, she crawled back forward but stayed behind Nisaa. What had seemed like the perfect solution to the imperfect problem just didn't seem perfect anymore and seemed much more imperfect. She kept her head lowered, chin tucked into her chest and watched a bug crawl over the furs and out of the tent like structure. Ah to be so small, to be able to leave just as silently. Not possible, not yet anyways.

[19:37:37]  Tahlos Darkfold's brow rose as first it shifted to the stranger seeming lost between his knees, then to the girls...one of which he'd never seen before...ball and chain still on. Concluding she was still new, yet to be fully broken. His arms folded before his chest whilst his eye now shifted to the fore of the slaveline. Finding flour to be it's leader...or so it seemed the other two wanted it to come off as. He could only chuckle to this though... silently...perhaps only his shoulders seen heaving a touch of any looked. But nothing of it was heard...
[19:38:19]  Tahlos Darkfold: if any*

[19:38:29]  Jaym Wolfhunter spoke then to the fellow there...His voice calm..."Worry not...for at their expense will We...Free, who are to be respected...at all times...regardless of their status either Alar or Guest...be treated" He said in a tone that fell from his mouth like a wet blanket over the slaves...then did He grab each of the girls in their turn...a fist full of hair...Each now dragged so that they faced inwards like a triangle..the left shoulder of one slave, touching the right shoulder of the next...His hand moved around...pushing their heads forwards...until the three foreheads came together in the center..."Do not move...do not speak" He said to the three...then did He take a long length of fibre from His belt...slip knot was tied and looped through the first girls collar...laced behind the next girls neck and through her collar ring...and finally to the third girls collar ring...then back to the first girls collar...where it was looped round anew...and tied off...then did He reach into His pouch...and having moved
[19:38:32]  Jaym Wolfhunter: behind the first girl, He gripped her wrists behind her back...and tied gorean capture knot after looping the fibre twice...to the next girl..and the same thing was done...then finally to the last girl, and her wrists were tied behind her back as well..."On your feet...slaves of the Alar...prized possessions all" He said to the girls

[19:41:03]  Akadiah Daines: was having a hard time moving in all the fluffy petticoat stuff around her. She kind of sank into the cloth as she knelt, looking muche like a poofball with a head and arms. She struggled to move behind tamia. She wanted to be the farthest away of course because she felt she was least to blame! She hoped the other two would explain soon, the tension was maked her stomach severely upset. It was then she felt his grip in her hair and she wasnt surprised, but still winced at the pain. She tried to be still as he tied them but her body shook harder with each knot. And finally she stood there, beside the others.... her eyes very focused on the ground and her voice silent.

[19:41:37]  Nisaa Breen looks around her, well by odin's left nutsack, why were tamia and aka lining up behind her, she so was not the ring leader in this misadventure and look there- poor teagen, she must have sampled some of the tassa laden paga that she did not waken when the Chief bellowed for all to come to his boot. Doing her best to scowl at them in turn her gaze caught Tahlos in the shadows of the La Torvis, her scowl faltered for the briefest moment, a dawning realization that they could not beguile their way out of this with all in attendance, yelping as her hear was gripped with anger, her shoulders pulled foward, cheek and shoulder pressing to that of tamia, she wanted to cry and protest, she wanted to wrestle out of this predicament and beg for mercy but she had seen the CHief in darker stages of rage before and knew that to do so would be futile, once on her feet she tried to tilt her head to plead with Jonas or Tahlos to interject, to save her from whatever fate that may befall her

[19:45:26]  tamia Darkstone was quiet, pressed between aka and nisaa, tied together in some kind of bondage feast. She never experienced this before and the gravity of the situation made tears quietly roll down her cheeks. Standing now, those tears hit the furs but she said nothing, could not move and closed her eyes to await their fates. What went wrong? It truly had just started all in an effort to help the Mistress, to turn her worry and unhappiness into smiles and pleasure.


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